Laymia Clothing Store – Logo

Laymia Clothing Store – Logo

Laymia Clothing Store wanted a simple logo that included a look and feel to elude quality. The use of rose gold and marble was required to fulfil this design. Logo design created: 2016
Solar Store Online – Website

Solar Store Online – Website Solar Store Online is an online retail store for solar lighting and small solar equipment. Located in Newcastle NSW, Australia. The client, for this project, wanted a ecommerce website to sell solar lighting to compliment their ebay store....
Solar Store Online – Logo

Solar Store Online – Logo

Solar Store Online – Identity Design The client for this project required a logo to be used to sell solar production from an eBay site and their own website. The primary focus of the client, with this logo, was to display the business name on a website. To...
Princess in Transit – Website

Princess in Transit – Website Princess in Transit is a travel blog website created for a semi retired ‘Princess’. The client, for this project, wanted a web presence to link with her Social Media to give in depth reviews of accommodation, bars, restaurants,...
Princess in Transit – Logo

Princess in Transit – Logo

Princess In Transit – Blogger / Social Media Personality The client requested a logo that could be used primarily online and on social media platforms. With Instagram, Facebook and Twitter all using square based profile images, the logo need to have all the...