Natural Confetti Co

Natural Confetti Co A simple logo was designed to be used to compliment the sale of a number of domain names with the same name. The use of the leaves with hearts taken out of the them, indicates the core...
Azumi Apartments – Logo Design

Azumi Apartments – Logo Design

Azumi Apartments – Identity Design, Social Media Management The Client wanted a simple logo that complimented the design of their current existing brand identity of Azumi Villa Hotel in Hoi An, Vietnam. The use of two colours were used as they are...
Fencing Frenzy – Logo

Fencing Frenzy – Logo

Fencing Frenzy – Identity Design The Client wanted a simple logo that included barbed wire to represent one of the primary functions of the business. The use of two colours allowed us to create contrast, and the simplistic barbed wire creates two...
Newcastle Grammar School – Educational Pin Design

Newcastle Grammar School – Educational Pin Design

Newcastle Grammar School required a way in which they could visually identity their key points of difference in print and online media. These three ‘badges’ were created as a set to be utilised together in a gold, silver and bronze look or used...
Newcastle Grammar School Centenary – Logo

Newcastle Grammar School Centenary – Logo

Newcastle Grammar School required a new logo that could be used on all advertising for the School for their upcoming centenary anniversary celebrations. The logo was required to incorporate the name of the school, crest and the year of celebration. This design also...